Welcome to Soil Lessons

The lessons provided on this website have been used with Middle School Agricultural Science students, however they can easily be modified to suit a high school audience and some of them can be simplified for elementary school.
You will find pages with resources for the following major topic areas:
Soil Basics - webquest, observation lab, soil scientist career video clip
Soil Texture - Texture lab, soil texture triangle, soil texture analysis video, soil texture by feel flow chart, alternative assignment
Soil Chemistry - Pre-lab worksheets and lab handouts
Resources - Links to additional websites that could be of assistance in a soil unit

Click here for a very basic unit plan.

If you have questions about the materials provided here, feel free to contact me (Robin McLean)

Note: This website was prepared as a supplement to the National Association of Agricultural Educators Region VI Conference in June 2011. Are there some typos? Yes. Some are on accident while others are on purpose. I try to stress to my students that I am not the expert in the classroom and encourage them to call me out on my mistakes so we can learn together.